Well, what’s to say, this was a whole lot of fun to read. Fifty Bales of Hay is a collection of short stories set in rural Australia. I haven’t read any of Rachael Treasure’s books before this one, but I must say I will definitely be picking some up now. Her writing style is fabulous, easy to read and funny. This is classed as erotica, but I mean you just take it all like a grain of salt, so funny. There were quite a few digs at the Fifty Shades of Gray books, but that too was in humour.There are twelve short stories and they are straight to the point where it comes to the sexy scenes. Some you just can’t believe that would ever happen in real life, but hey, I guess it could happen. If I had to pick a favourite, it would be Truck Wash.TRUCK WASHCelia was having trouble with her husband; they were growing distant and not having as much intimate time. Driving and delivering a load of cattle, she had to wash out the truck and found a truck wash along the way. Pulling in she couldn't work out how to use the machine to start the automated hose, so goes over to the only other truck in the bays. The man in the bay didn't see her and washed her down with the water (by accident). Her shirt is saturated and this starts the stirrings in her body, from the blast of hard water directed at her chest. Hilarious and shocking!They all contained female protagonists and were all strong characters. Some had sad backstories and found “fun” in order to overcome their sadness and move forward in their lives. Each night I would read a couple stories and the next day would tell the tales to my husband and we would laugh together and wonder if these things actually happened in reality. Who knows, maybe an older woman would find riding a ride-on-mower “exciting” and essential to her garden maintenance. LOL I find that the summary tells it all though. Thank you to Harper Collins Australia and The Reading Room for supplying a copy for review.